Rhode Island TimeBanks Initiative

Reweaving Community, One Hour at a Time  

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A TimeBank is a community of people who support each other.  When you spend an hour to do something for an individual or group, you earn a  time dollar.  Then you can take that time dollar and exchange your time dollar for an hour of a neighbor's time or egage in a group activity.

The Rhode Island TimeBank Initiative is working with groups of individuals, youth, families, community organizations and local businesses to strengthen social networks of natural supports.  

The Core Values of TimeBanking

Assets-Redefining Work-Reciprocity-Social Networks-Respect

For more information contact Lisa Conlan, RI TimeBanks Initiative Coordinator at Parent Support Network of Rhode Island at 401-467-6855/800-483-8844 or email Lisa at ritimebanks@psnri.org